SpaceTech is a 3 years project organized around 7 work packages, as follows:
WP 1 - Project management and reporting – ongoing
Includes all the activities managing the implementation of the project: planning, organization, activities coordination, progress control, technical, financial and quality management. A specific objective refers to RDI Steering committee coordination; Public outreach, workshop and symposium organization,
D1.0 Project Management Plan - delivered
D1.1 Progress Report Phase 1 - delivered
D1.2 Progress Report Phase 2 - delivered
D1.3 Progress Report Phase 3 - delivered
D1.4 Progress Report Phase 4
D1.5 Preliminary Presentation
D1.6 Final Presentation
D1.7 Final Activity Report
WP 2 - Analysis and definition of the implementation strategy – ongoing
The team will provide a complete SWOT analysis for future participation to ESA’s programs and activities based on CeoSpaceTech expertise, the project purpose and concluding exchange of know-how and experience with SMEs or industry. The scientific and technological niche of ESA’s programs and activities corresponding to the project activities will be determined. Moreover, there will be identified the stakeholders interested to participate in the project activities implementation. A Steering Committee will coordinate the RDI activities. A methodology to establish an ESA-BIC within the university will be tailored according to Romanian needs and legislation.
D2.1 List of stakeholders - delivered
D2.2 Steering Committee appointment - delivered
WP 3 - From sensors to knowledge: a communication channel model – complete
The analysis and review of radar sensors concepts and technologies will determine a list of drawbacks and advantages for each of the current approaches. A preliminary design of the concept is proposed. A laboratory will be prepared with appropriate equipment for the concept development.
D3.1 Technical note on quantum SAR sensor concept - delivered
D3.2 Technical note an quantum SAR sensor preliminary design - delivered
WP 4 - Smart SAR sensors and signal processing – complete
A study on smart SAR sensors and signal processing algorithm will put the basis of this work package. By the end of its duration, a smart SAR sensor laboratory prototype will be developed, together with a set of signal processing algorithms.
D4.1 Technical note on laboratory prototype containing smart SAR sensor and signal processing module - delivered
D4.2 Testing and validation report- delivered
WP 5 - Big data analytics – complete
Includes a set of activities aiming to guide the creation of a test data collection and the definition of specific input/output parameters that will support further development of algorithms for big data analysis.
D5.1 Technical note on algorithms for big data analytics - delivered
D5.2 Testing and validation report - delivered
WP 6 - Methods for quantum information approach – complete
Completes a set of concepts and methods for quantum information processing. A study to deepen novel quantum-information methods for improved resolution and sensitivity is planned to support the definition of new quantum radar configurations adapted to ground-to-space and space-to-space applications.
D6.1 Technical note on methods for quantum information processing - delivered
WP 7 - New generation of smart sensor and data analytics – ongoing
During this work package, the purpose is to develop a laboratory prototype for a new generation of smart SAR sensor and data analytics and to define a concept for quantum radar.
D7.1 Laboratory prototype for smart SAR sensor and data analytics
D7.2 Testing and validation report
D7.3 User Guide
D7.4 Technical note on quantum radar concept