GRADIS Executive Summary
Project Title:
GRADIS - Radar de Sol pentru Masuratori foarte precise de Deplasare (Ground-based RADAR for Very Precise Displacement Measurements)
Contracting Authority:
Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii (UEFISCDI)
Project Code:
Contract Number:
COORIDNATOR: UPB - Ceospacetech
Partner 1: S.C. ASRC S.R.L
Partner 2: ROSA
This project aims at the development and implementation of an X-band Ground-based Synthetic Aperture RADAR (GB-SAR). Ground-based SARs offer the capability to continuously monitor sites of limited extent (typically of a few kilometers) with high resolution (displacements at millimeter or sub-millimeter level) and sensitivity to terrain deformations. Moreover, they overcome the impediments of large temporal revisit of
Spaceborne SARs. Typical applications of GB-SARs include monitoring of terrain slopes as early warning systems, volcano deformation monitoring, snow depth retrieval and detection of structural changes in buildings, dams, and other man-made structures. Although spaceborne interferometric techniques have gained maturity, recent advances in the domain suggest that ground-based interferometric measurements can prove to be very effective and even more suitable for areas where deformation occurs outside the temporal sampling (i.e. revisit time) of satellite systems (e.g. rapid deformations, landslides) and especially for remote locations with difficult or impossible human access, where GPS networks cannot be installed.
Block diagram of the FMCW transceiver
First SAR Image
Project Objectives:
O1. The study, design and implementation of an X-band ground-based RADAR
O2. The study and implementation of image formation algorithms
O3. The study and implementation of algorithms for very high precision geometrical measurements
O4. The demonstration and validation of the instrument and proposed algorithms capabilities for buildings and dams
O5. Validation of measurements with auxiliary data (spaceborne SAR imagery, in-situ measurements, airborne SAR)
Expected Results:
R1. X-band Ground-based Radar system - a prototype instrumnet and signal procesing chain
for gemetry and dispalacement measurmenst (technology) ; The end product is a very accurate
infrastructure monitoring service (Ground-based radar displacement measurement - GBRDM)
based on the radar that we build and the SAR and INSAR processor custom developed and
tuned for this specific radar. The service will be used to monitor critical infrastructure (Nuclear
Power Plants, Waterdams and other selected buidings of interest).
R2. At least 3 articles published in internationally recognized journals and / or presented at
prestigious conferences
R3. A service for assessment of surface / building displacement for at least 2 test areas
R4. A set of standardized procedures for the usage of GB-SAR and best-practice scientific
R5. Two PhD theses, and two Master theses