Publications - 2010
Blanchart, P.; Datcu, M.; A Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Auto-Annotation and Unknown Structures Discovery in Satellite Image Databases Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of Volume: 3 , Issue: 4 , Part: 2
Corina Grigore, A.M. Vintila, Irina Stoian, Ovidiu Grigore, Luminita Dawkins, Dan Isacoff, Ion Bruckner, “Uric Acid and Oxidative Stress in Non-Smoking Metabolic Syndrome Patients”, Journal of Hypertension, June 2010 - Volume 28 - Issue - p e575–e576, DOI: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000379960.78446.18 (ISI IF 4.988)
Corina Grigore, Irina Stoian, Ovidiu Grigore, Luminita Dawkins, Dan Isacoff, Ion Bruckner, “Oxidative Stress, Uric Acid, Vascular Inflammation in Non-Smoking Metabolic Syndrome Patients”, International Journal Of Biology And Biomedical Engineering, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp. 61-69
CorinaGrigore, I. Stoian,Ov. Grigore, L. Dawkins, D. Isacoff, I.V. Bruckner „Inflammatory Status and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Non-Treated Hypertension and Dislipidemia”,Atherosclerosis Supplements (ISSN 1567-5688), issue 2, vol. 11, 2010, pp. 166-167
D. Cerra, A. Mallet, L. Gueguen, M. Datcu, "Algorithmic Information Theory-Based Analysis of Earth Observation Images: An Assessment", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545- 598X , pp. 8-12.
D. Cerra, M. Datcu "A multiresolution approach for texture classification inhigh resolution satellite imagery", Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(1).
D. Cerra, M. Datcu, "Compression based Hierarchical Clustering of SAR Images", Elsevier Remote Sensing Letters, Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages 141 – 147.
D. Espinoza Molina, D. Gleich, M. Datcu, "Gibbs Random Field Models for Model-Based Despeckling of SAR Images", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X , pp. 73-77.
D. Gleich, M.Kseneman, M. Datcu, "Despeckling of TerraSAR-X Data Using Second-Generation Wavelets", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X, pp. 68-72.
D. Ţarălungă, R.Strungaru, M. Ungureanu, I. Gussi and W. Wolf (2010). Power line rejection: Different concepts for power line interference removal from abdominal recordings. Proc. Biosignal 2010: International Biosignal Processing Conference, July 14-16, 2010, Berlin, Germany.
Stancioi C., Wolf W., Strungaru R., Gussi I., Ungureanu G. M. (2010). Non-Invasive Fetal ECG Extraction using Statistical Methods: a Comparison of PCA and ICA. Proc. ECIT2010 – 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, Romania, October 07- 09, 2010, 2069-038X, 15 pages.
C. Siegfried, R. Constantin, S. Stancescu : “Evaluation of protocol for industrial informaticssystems”, , 2010 8th International Conference on Communications (COMM) , Page(s): 293 – 296
Şt. Stăncescu, C. I.Ingieru “Toward Application Driven and Included Compiler", Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems CIS - MIPRO 2010, May 24-28 2010,Opatia, pp. 734-737
C. Oros, C.Radoi, A. Florescu, “Comparison among Three Computational Intelligence Methods for Engine Knocking Detection”, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, ISSN 1045-9227, Manuscript ID: TTN-2010-P-2643,
A. Florescu, C.Radoi, D. Stanciu, S.G. Rosu, O. Stocklosa, M. Teodorescu, “Design Optimization Methods of an Intelligent Controller from a Speed Control System”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation, Control and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), IEEE Catalog Number CFP10AQTR-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-6722-8, May 28-30, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Tome I, pp.62-67
G. Rosu, C.Radoi, A. Florescu, O. Stocklosa, “Microcontroller-Based WalshFunction PWM Modulation with Harmonic Injection Technique”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation, Control and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), IEEE Catalog Number CFP10AQTR-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-6722-8, May 28-30, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Tome III, pp.21-34
D. Stanciu, M. Teodorescu, A. Florescu, D.A. Stoichescu, “Single-Phase Active Power Filter with Improved Sliding Mode Control”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation, Control and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), IEEE Catalog Number CFP10AQTRPRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-6722-8, May 28-30, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Tome I, pp.15-19
A. Florescu, O. Stocklosa, M. Teodorescu, C.Radoi, D.A. Stoichescu, S.G. Rosu, “The Advantages, Limitations and Disadvantages of Z-Source Inverter”, Proceedings of International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2010), October11-13, 2010, Sinaia, Romania, IEEE Catalog Number CFP10CAS-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, ISSN 1545-827Xvol.2, pp.483-486
A. Florescu, A. Vasile, C.Radoi, D.A. Stoichescu, “Z-Source Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles”, Proceedings of 16th International Symposiumfor Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging, September 23-26, 2010, Pitesti, Romania (SIITME 2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-8122-4, pp. 219-222
D. A. Stoichescu, A. Florescu, A. Vasile, A.E. Sultana, “MatLab Implementation of PEM Fuel Cell Stack Membrane Hydration Subsystem”, Proceedings of 16th International Symposiumfor Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging, September 23-26, 2010, Pitesti, Romania (SIITME 2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-8122-4, pp. 127-139
V. Stefanescu, D.A. Stoichescu, C. Faye, A. Florescu, “Modeling and Simulation of Cylindrical PET 2D using Direct Inversion Method”, Proceedings of 16th International Symposiumfor Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging, September 23-26, 2010, Pitesti, Romania (SIITME 2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-8122-4, pp. 119-124
B.C. Florea, D.A. Stoichescu, M.Ghanes, J.P. Barbot, “Discrete Event Control for Multicell Choppers Driving DC Machines”, Proceedings of 16th International Symposiumfor Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging, September 23-26, 2010, Pitesti, Romania (SIITME 2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-8122-4, pp. 231-236
O. Stocklosa, A. Florescu, S.G. Rosu, C.Radoi, D.A. Stoichescu, “A Practical Approachon Wireless Sensor Networks for the Industrial Environment”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation, Control and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), ISBN 978-973-662- 562-6, May 28-30, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Poster Session 1, pp.76-79
C. Iordache, C. Mada, V. Ionescu, D. Stanciu, “Intelligent Street Lightening Monitoring and Control Systems”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation, Control and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), ISBN 978-973-662-562-6, May 28-30, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Poster Session 2, pp.122-127
M. Teodorescu, S.G. Rosu, C.Radoi, A. Florescu, O. Stocklosa, “Comparison of Power Electronics Simulation with Pspice and PSIM”, Simpozionul National de ElectrotehnicaTeoretica (SNET 2010), 3-4 Decembrie 2010, Bucuresti, Romania
S.G. Rosu, M. Teodorescu, C. Radoi, A. Florescu, O. Stocklosa, “Haar Function based PWM Modulation with Harmonic Elimination and Voltage Control”, Simpozionul National de Electrotehnica Teoretica (SNET 2010), 3-4 Decembrie 2010, Bucuresti, Romania
D.I. Săcăleanu, D.M.Ofrim and B.A.Ofrim, “Monitoring and data acquisition embedded system for photovoltaic plants”, International Symposium on Embedded Systems Design and Applications, Baia Mare, May 2010;
D.M.Ofrim, B.A.Ofrim, D.I. Săcăleanu, “Distributed data acquisition system using a wireless intelligent sensor network”, International Symposium on Embedded Systems Design and Applications, Baia Mare, May 2010;
D.M.Ofrim, B.A.Ofrim, D.I. Săcăleanu, R. Stoian, “Increasing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks using Adaptive Scheduling Technique”, 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Sensors and Signals, Faro, Portugalia, pp. 69-74; ISBN: 978-960-474-248-6, October 2010;
D.M.Ofrim, D.I. Săcăleanu, B.A.Ofrim, R. Stoian, “Implementation of an Adaptive Synchronizing Protocol for Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Communications, Issue 4, Volume 4, pp. 103-111, November 2010;
D.M.Ofrim,D.I.Sacaleanu, B.A.Ofrim, Rodica Stoian, „ Implementation of an Adaptive Synchronizing Protocol for Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Communications, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp.103-111, ISSN 1998-4480 DOI : 10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2058794 Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 698 – 717
H. Chaabouni Chouayakh, M. Datcu "High Resolution SAR Image Description by Combining the PCA and the Azimuth Sub band Decompositions", Transactionsof Systems, Signals & Devices, an International Journal, Issues on Communication & Signal Processing.
H. Chaabouni-Chouayakh, M. Datcu, "Backscattering and Statistical Information Fusion for Urban Area Mapping Using TerraSAR-X Data", IEEE JSTARS IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEEXPLORE early access).
H. Chaabouni-Chouayakh, M. Datcu, "Coarse-to-Fine Approach for Urban Area Interpretation Using TerraSAR-X Data", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X, pp. 78-81.
I. M.Gomez Munoz, M. Datcu, "System Design Considerations for Image Information Mining in Large Archives", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X, pp. 13-18.
J. Maria Munoz-Ferreras, M. Datcu, "AGeneralisation of ISAR Autofocusing Methods based on the Minimisation of the Renyi Entropy", IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 4, Pages 586 – 594.
LiggesCarolin**, Mihaela Ungureanu**, MarcLigges, Bernhard Blanz, Herbert Witte - Understanding the time variant connectivity of the language network in developmental dyslexia: new insights through the Granger Causality, Journal of Neural Transmission, April 2010, 117(4), pp. 529-543. Epub 2010 Jan 26, ISSN 0300-9564, impact factor 2.259 (2009).
M. Datcu, R. L. King, S. D’Elia, "Introduction to the Special Issue on Image Information Mining: Pursuing Automation of Geospatial Intelligence for Environment and Security", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X, pp. 3-7.
M. Soccorsi, D. Gleich, M. Datcu, "Huber-Markov Model for Complex SAR Image Restoration" , IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X , pp. 63-67.
M.Lienou, H. Maitre, M. Datcu, "Semantic Annotation of Satellite Images Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X, pp.28-32.
Ovidiu Grigore, ValentinVelican, Alexandra Craciunoiu, “Experimental Results Obtained in Computer Assisted Auditory-Verbal Education”, International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Issue 1, Volume 4, 2010 (ISSN: 2074-1316), pp. 206-213
OvidiuGrigore, CorinaGrigore, ValentinVelican,“Impaired Speech Evaluation using Mel-Cepstrum Analysis”, International Journal of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing (ISSN: 1998-4464), Issue 1, Vol. 5, 2010, pp. 70-77;
P. Birjandi, M. Datcu, 2010, "Multiscale and Dimensionality Behavior of ICA Components for Satellite Image Indexing", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), ISSN 1545-598X, pp. 103-107.