

DTEclimate Short Description


Competence Center for Climate Change Digital Twin Earth for forecasts and societal redressement: DTEclimate

PNRR-III-C9-2022 – I5

Climate models describe changes at scales of 50km to 150km. However, adaptation measures shall be applied at human activities scales, from 10m to 1km. It is in the scope of the project to establish a Competence Centre to contribute to the EC Adaptation to Climate Change agenda with specific measures of implementation using coupled models across domains and spatiotemporal scales. The Competence Centre will promote in its agenda the opportunities offered by the availability of Big EO Data, with a broad variety of sensing modalities, global coverage, and more than 40 years of observations. The proposal is in line with the „Destination Earth'' initiative (DestinE) that promotes the use of Digital Twins (DT). The Compentence Center activities will be supported by an actionable digital media, a system of federated DTs. The DTs will implement a virtual, dynamic model of the world, continuously updated, enabling simulations while providing more specific, localized and interactive information on climate change and how to deal with its impacts. These DTs will also be a tool to largely interact with people raising awareness and amplify the use of existing climate data and knowledge services, for the elaboration of local and specific adaptation. That is a step towards a citizen driven approach with an increased societal focus.

A first DT Earth (DTE) will maximize the information extracted from EO data. The methodology is focused on hybrid Physics Informed AI methods, time series, prediction, causality discovery to monitor and forecast climate change effects. A second DT will model the eutrophication of sweet-water lakes and Black Sea West coast waters. A third DT produces adaptation knowledge as requested for actions aiming to protect biodiversity and ecosystems. A fourth DT will monitor coupled atmosphere-hydrosphere-lithosphere processes, it will provide for the first time an integrated view of how climate-change-stimulated phenomena can impact ground structure and motion properties in seismically vulnerable locations. And a fifth DT will model and anticipate fight vector-borne emerging animal and zoonotic infectious diseases, implementing an integrated One-Health approach considering the links between human health, animal health, and environmental health.

The coupled DTs system will support the scope of the Competence Center to promote a geographical diversity approach, involving various regions and communities, following a systemic approach converging several cross-modalities themes and areas of innovation, implemented as an inclusive methodology to bring together public administrations, private sector, civil society, and finally the citizens in person.

Official page: https://dteclimate.upb.ro/

The project is funded through the National Plan for Recovery and Resilince, in the framework of the European Union, NextGenerationEU program.