SVIQUALTES Publications


I. Tache, “Satellite Transponder Broadcasting Plans for Quasi Perfect Perceptual Video Quality”, in Proc. ZINC 2016 Conf. IEEE Consumer Electronics, 1-2 Jun. 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp.12-15, (IEEE Xplore), Best Paper Award.

I.Tache, “Optimum Bit-Rate Allocation on Satellite Transponder for best Perceptual Video Quality”  in Proc. of the 2016 International Conference on Computers, Electronics and Artificial intelligence ICECAI 2016, 30 Jun.–2 July, Ploiesti, Romania, pp. 1-6


I. Tache, “The influence of satellite transponder broadcasting plan on video quality,” Proceedings of the International Conference on ELECTRONICS, COMPUTERS and ARTIFICIAL
INTELIGENCE ECAI 2015 – 7th Edition - 25-27 Jun., 2015, Bucharest, ROMÂNIA, Vol.7-No.1/2015, pp.C-1 – C-4, ISSN-1843-2115, ISBN 978-1-4673-6646-5

I. Tache, “Video quality dependence on transponder broadcasting plan,” Proc. of the 7th Int. Congr. on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, Brno, Czech Republic, pp.104-109, 6-8 Oct. 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-9282-2/15

I. Tache, C. Burlacu, “Improved Application for Perceptual Video Quality Measurement in Satellite Broadcasting”, 3rd International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, 18-21 May 2015, Constanta, Romania IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015, poster nr.1.


I. Tache, C. Burlacu, “Perceptual Video Quality Measurement Method for Satellite Broadcasting”, Proceedings of the International Conference on ELECTRONICS, COMPUTERS and ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE ECAI 2014, 23-25 Oct., Bucharest, ROMÂNIA, Vol.6-No.2/2014, pp.43-46, ISSN-1843-2115, ISBN 978-1-4799-5478-0, (IEEE Xplore)